Your Crusade donations make a difference

Your Crusade donations make a difference


Hearing is believing for students at the Kentucky School for the Blind. Thanks to your generosity to the WHAS Crusade for Children, Taryn, Alex and Michael of Ms. Brown’s class are learning to read and write using the latest Braille-based technology, the Mountbatten Brailler. It’s a Braille writer which reads out the characters as the students type them.

Ms. Brown says the difference is remarkable. Specifically she says a couple of her students had not done well on a spelling test using the traditional Brailler but when they used the Mountbatten to take the test they passed.

Taryn likes the erase button. She says when she makes a mistake or changes her mind about what she wanted to write, with a push of a button the Mountbatten allows her to make changes. With the old Brailler she would have to scratch out the typed characters.
Principal John Roberts says the instant feedback that the students get from the Mountbatten helps them to read, write and spell quicker. He notes that the Mountbatten writers are expensive and the school wouldn’t be able to buy them without help from the Crusade.

Here are some photos from the Kentucky School for the Blind.

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